Salsamology Dance Academy

Pro Development Foundation Class
with Sheldon Harding

May 25 (Saturday)
at 7:15 pm

Class length
60 minutes


Pro-Development Latin & Ballroom Dance Classes

Welcome to our Pro-Development Latin & Ballroom Dance Classes at Big Truck Event Services Ltd., where we offer a dynamic and comprehensive dance program designed to elevate your dancing skills, whether you're engaging in social dancing, competitive dancing, or performance dancing. Our classes are conducted in the welcoming environment of Studio C, where every Saturday from 7:15 PM to 9:15 PM, you can immerse yourself in the rhythmic passion of Latin and Ballroom dance styles.

Dance Styles and Techniques

Our curriculum covers a diverse range of Latin and Ballroom dances, ensuring that you gain a well-rounded experience:

  • Salsa: Dive into the energetic and intricate steps of Salsa, a dance characterized by its vibrant music and syncopated "Clave" rhythm.
  • Merengue: Experience the joy of Merengue, a dance with a steady two-step rhythm that is perfect for dancers of all levels.
  • Bachata: Feel the romance of Bachata, with its sensual movements and rhythmic steps that include a signature tap and hip motion.
  • Kizomba: Embrace the closeness of Kizomba, a dance with walking movements and swivels that emphasize connection and smooth hip action.
  • 3-Step: Master the 3-Step with its fundamental patterns, a great foundation for understanding rhythm and timing in dance.
  • Cha Cha: Get playful with the Cha Cha, a dance that requires quick, sharp steps to match its lively tempo.

Class Structure and Goals

Our Pro-Development class is structured to cater to dancers at various levels, from foundation to improver-intermediate. We focus on:

  • Technique: Building a strong technical foundation is crucial for all dancers. Our classes emphasize proper posture, footwork, and body movement to ensure you dance with ease and elegance.
  • Performance: For those interested in showcasing their skills, we provide opportunities to learn choreography and perform, enhancing your stage presence and confidence.
  • Competition: If you're aiming for the competitive dance scene, our classes will help you refine your skills, understand competition etiquette, and prepare for the exhilarating experience of dance competitions.
  • Social Dancing: We also prioritize the social aspects of dancing, teaching you how to navigate the dance floor, connect with various partners, and enjoy the communal spirit of dance events.

Venue and Registration

Our classes take place at Big Truck Event Services Ltd., located at 59 Eastern Main Road, Arouca, in the comfortable and spacious Studio C. To register for our Pro-Development Latin & Ballroom Dance Classes, please contact us at the provided phone number or visit our website for more information.


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